Suicide Squad is Action Packed Fun! Critics be Damned!

Critics be damned! Suicide Squad is Action Packed Fun!!!

by Le’Trice Donaldson



I’ll be honest I was a little nervous about going to the movies today to see Suicide Squad. The current meter on Rotten Tomatoes is 29%, which equates to the vast majority of movie critics hating this film. But I put on my DC Universe Superhero Periodic Table t-shirt and critics be damned I’m going to see this movie with an open mind. Boy I’m glad I did because the film was amazing. I absolutely enjoyed it from beginning to end and I think people should ignore the critics and just see this film. Everyone I asked leaving the movie loved it and could not believe how poorly it was received by film critics.


Enchantress (AKA Cara Delevingne) in an interview with Reuters expressed her disappointment with the reception of the film by the critics. She says, “the critics have been absolutely horrific, they’re really, really horrible. You know, I just don’t think they like superhero movies,” Delevingne goes on to state that “this movie isn’t perfect,” it was however made with the fans in mind not critics.


David Ayer, wrote and directed  Suicide Squad. It abides pretty close to the comic book origins and really captures the chaotic elements that surround pretty much every Suicide Squad mission in the comics. Ayer breaks away from the traditional telling of a superhero movie by not dwelling on how these people became notorious villains in the DCEU. Instead, Ayers provides his audience dossiers of compacted information so that you can simply enjoy the current story and not dwell on past events. He provides a the villain with cause and complexity that has been missing in many superhero films.


The film picks up directly where Batman V. Superman left off and begins with Amanda Waller (AKA Viola Davis) excitingly telling two U.S. intelligence officials that she finally has the components to create her Task Force X team. Now, this is not your Nick Fury Avengers Initiative hopeful type of team. This task force will be comprised of villains who have no choice but to cooperate with Waller. The team consists of Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, El Diablo, Enchantress, Katana, and Captain Boomerang. Now, I’m not going to give away too much of the plot points because I want you to see this movie, however, I will say that Viola Davis’ Amanda Waller next to Margo Robbie’s Harley Quinn steals the show for me. She is as cold blooded and ruthless, as you would expect Waller to be and when she wipes out a room full of agents because they didn’t have proper clearance, Davis demonstrates just how badass and ruthless Waller is within the DC Universe.


The performances by Margo Robbie, Will Smith, and Viola Davis really carry this movie for me. I’m not saying that the other actors didn’t do a good job, but the truly ruthless nature of Waller is often overshadowed in the comics, but with Viola Davis you get every cold and methodical part of her personality in order for her to get what she wants.


The soundtrack from beginning to end is another treasure of this film. It really added to the uniqueness of Ayer’s vision masterfully executed with every action packed scene. I must admit that one of the ways I did not get burnt out on all the Suicide Squad hype was by not watching all the trailers and interviews. The over saturation by Hollywood for new films can really dampen a film going experience especially when they put the whole film in the trailers. Overall, because I did not taint my mind with all the trailers and interviews, I kept my open mind and enjoyed this film tremendously. I’ll definitely go see it at least one more time before it leaves the theatre. Please go see this movie!!! Don’t forget to leave comments!

Seeing this movie is a good idea hon-tee!!


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